Malta Fever - what is it?
In 1856, as British soldiers returned from the Crimean War to Malta, many were struck down by a disease that became known as ‘Malta/Mediterranean Fever’ (and is now known as Brucellosis). British army doctors studied the disease, which caused several...
Frogs, chytridiomycosis and antimicrobial peptides
Amphibians are currently the most threatened vertebrate class, with the disease chytridiomycosis contributing to their global declines, along with climate change and habitat destruction. Chytridiomycosis is a fatal skin disease caused by a fungal pathogen,...
Deadly White Nose Syndrome and the importance of bats
Since 2006, North America has experienced mass mortalities in hibernating bats due to White Nose Syndrome, caused by a fungus ‘Pseudogymnoascus.’ It is likely the fungus was carried by a traveller from Europe, who inadvertently spread the fungus into...
Nipah Virus, a novel killer virus in Malaysia
In September 1998, an outbreak of acute encephalitis in a community of pig farmers in Malaysia coincided with an outbreak of respiratory illness and encephalitis in pigs. The outbreak of the newly discovered Nipah Virus caused widespread human suffering,...
Increased incidence of Rabies in India and vulture population crisis
How could the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in cattle lead to 1) the collapse of vulture populations across India and 2) an increase in rabies cases? Well this is a perfect example of one health, and highlights the importance of considering humans, animals...